Wakasa Tokyo Revengers
Anime Reviews tokyo-revengers

Wakasa Tokyo Revengers – What we know about him!

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Wakasa Imaushi (今いま牛うし 若わか狭さ) also known as Waka. He was the commando of the Gang named “Kanto Manji”. Wakasa was also a major supporter of Black Dragon, where he served as the former Special Attack Unit Captain.

The characters in the Manga Tokyo Revengers are renowned for being intriguing and imaginative. Using all of the facts at our disposal, we will discuss Imaushi Wakasa today.

Wakasa’s appearance:

Wakasa is a middle-aged man of medium height with somewhat feminine looks. He dresses in an elaborately tailored Brahman outfit with embroidered butterflies and flowers on the sleeves. He’s got a big white crew-neck shirt underneath the huge sweatshirt, and his shoes are sandals. His hair is colored purple and blonde in a striped pattern and it is frequently pulled back into a ponytail with a loose strand of each color falling down the sides of his face.

He has lollipop sticks between his down turned lips and droopy violet eyes, which add to his generally worn-out appearance. Along with having especially long eyelashes, he also carries a ruby drop earring on his left lobe.

When he was a member of the First Generation Black Dragon, Wakasa wore his trademark earring and the customary outfit while wearing his light-colored hair disheveled. He donned the white gang costume when he served as Kodo Rengo’s president.

wakasa's appearance

Date of Birth:

23rd April, 1989.


27 years old in present timeline.


5ft. 6 inches (168cm)

Wakasa’s personality:

The majority of the time, Wakasa seems to be bored. Despite his high level of confidence in his talents, he is not particularly enthused about the thought of fighting and has a worn-out look even during combat. He has earned the respect of his troops through time and is a superb commander of Brahman. Wakasa is a devout adherent to the ideals of the First Generation Black Dragon and will always look out for his companions.

Wakasa's personality

Skills and abilities of Wakasa:

Wakasa has enormous power and control over the gang because he was a previous executive at Brahman. During his time in Black Dragon, he was also shown to be a frightening commander who oversaw Kodo Rengo, a gang that was formed by the amalgamation of twelve minor organizations in East Kanto, and a responsible captain of the Special Attack Unit. His previous and current roles suggest that he enjoys a good reputation in Tokyo’s underworld and has authority over a few powerful gangs there. He has enormous power over one of the three current strongest gangs and influences it as a former executive of Brahman.

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Wakasa was able to undetectably approach Kakucho, who is a tremendously strong fighter, without being seen. He has an elusive and acrobatic fighting technique. He makes it very difficult to attack him and can perform complex movements with ease. He is implied to be a combat legend due to his history as one of Black Dragon’s earliest commanders. They were able to easily defeat roughly 100 of Rokuhara Tandai’s troops when working together with Benkei. Later, he was able to engage South Terano in combat with Benkei, though the south quickly defeated them both handily.

Relationships of Wakasa:

A brief discussion of his relationships is as follows:

Keizo Arashi:

Benkei and Wakasa were initially adversaries, but they are now great friends. As the western counterpart to Kodo Rengo’s control in Japan’s Kanto area, Wakasa’s gang Kodo Rengo used to quarrel with Benkei’s gang Ragnarok. But Shinichiro Sano, who served as their mediator and the catalyst for forging a bond, soon brought them together. They both joined Black Dragon as a result, where they gained respect from all of Tokyo’s criminals. Benkei and Wakasa were dubbed the “Living Legends” duo as the former renowned warriors of the First Generation as a result of their service in Black Dragon. In general, Wakasa appreciates his friendship and sense of camaraderie.

Keizo Arashi

Takeom Akashi:

Wakasa’s closest friend is Takeomi. Together, they ruled the Black Dragon’s First Generation, and they kept it up in Brahman. After the First Generation broke up, Takeomi was at his lowest moment in life, yet Wakasa welcomed him as his genuine buddy anyway.

Kawargi Senju:

Wakasa has a lot of admiration for Senju’s combat skills. Senju would frequently go to his gym before starting Brahman, where she would battle a variety of opponents. Since that time, she had gained Wakasa’s respect and helped lead Brahman. The fact that Wakasa instructed Takemichi Hanagaki to keep an eye on her during the Battle of the Three Deities and that she mostly disobeyed him by running to save him from South Terano, who had just vanquished him and Benkei, is another indication of how much he cares for her.

Kawargi Senju

Shinichiro Sano:

As the First Generation Black Dragon’s founder and leader, Shinichiro was revered by Wakasa. Before joining Shinichiro’s gang, Wakasa led a mistaken life as the head of Kodo Rengo. Shinichiro eventually punished Wakasa when he settled the conflict between his gang and Benkei’s Ragnarok team. Wakasa, a renowned member of Black Dragon’s First Generation, was probably one of his reliable friends before he passed away.

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Shinichiro Sano

Final thoughts:

He is recognized as one of the Black Dragons’ original members. He was appointed the special attack unit’s captain. Wakasa always seems worn out. The prospect of a fight does not excite him. He has a strong sense of self-assurance.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and have got a lot of information about Tokyo Revengers Wakasa. Loved writing this article!

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