On Friday it was disclosed by the July 3 issue of Houbunsha’s Weekly Manga Times magazine that on Sunday the manga Nekomata by Hayate Kuku is going to conclude in the magazine’s next issue.
The manga is situated in Edo during the Edo time, and focuses on JinbÄ“, a criminal catcher and murmured supervisor of the Edo boulevards. Eminent as attractive and dependable, his lone blemish is an inclination to converse with him to an extreme. Be that as it may, he has a mystery. JinbÄ“’s home is additionally home to a two-followed feline soul nekomata, and this is an amazing narrative together.
In 2013 the manga was commenced in the Weekly Manga Times by Kuku. In April 2019 the fifth assembled book volume of the manga was issued by Houbunsha.
The manga Sword and Mist by Kuku was issued by the SuBLime boys-love imprint in English. The manga Your Love Sickness by Kuku was issued by Digital Manga Publishing.