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Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den (Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru)

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Things finally got quite relaxed in chapter 30 of Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den after some intense and action-filled chapters and it is a good thing as it was more about the problems of ground compared to the space. The fight was joined by the federation that Daruma and Hachimaru works for and clearly do not trust Kotsuga. For them, what was dangerous once, will always be the same and that impression didn’t change even after Hachimaru’s explanation. Fortunately, Sen the Silence from of Elite Special Forces shows up and asked for every information regarding Benki form Kotsuga. There were many appearances in this one chapter.

On the other hand, with the help of his ship the malicious Ben is planning to explode the whole planet, where Hachimaru, Daruma and others are. How he would carry out this plan was shown in a video that the federation showed of a planet which exploded in the past by Angular Warheads which are currently on Benki’s ship. A plan is made on how many teams can get into the ship to defeat Ben from inside. Ryu and Kotsuga chat for long and that’s when Ryu seems to understand that despite of the things he had done Kotsuga is a good person.

Kotsuga decides to change his name and wants everyone to call him Sanda and then some hilarious moments begin when Ryu keeps forgetting his new name no matter how many time he hears it. Sanda promises to explore the past of Ryu and the groups move forward in the direction of Ben’s ship.  Meanwhile, Ben is preparing to target so our hero needs to hurry as there are only 20 min left to protect the planet from blast. Although chapter 30 was not as intense and action packed as the last few chapters but it was still amusing with its humor so it was a good chapter.

Chapter 30 of Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den has prepared us for a classic battle and we can’t wait to see it happening.

Probably Daruma wanted Hachiamru to move towards Beki alone but we are grateful that he is not alone. That’s not because we underestimate abilities of Hachimaru, but that because Ben is not someone to be taken lightly as he is very cruel and evil enemy. Underestimating can cause real damage and we can’t take that risk.

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Kotsuga has replaced his name with his old name which is Sanda and that made the rest of the chapter really very hilarious till the end. Hopefully Ryu will not forget his name now.

In the beginning chapter 30 of Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den felt quite plane as compared to the previous chapters but it was a light and funny chapter that almost made us forget that the whole planet is about to explode. It’s going to be difficult for the teams to get inside the ship but with each other’s support they will be able to defeat Ben. The next chapter is going to be thrilling and we all are very excited for it.

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