My Hero Academia Chapter 239 Review
Manga Reviews

My Hero Academia Chapter 239 Review

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Chapter 239 of Boku no Hero was a little bland compared to the previous episodes. We finally get to see the climax of an epic battle among three big villains after two weeks break. Tomura like seems to have won this battle with the help of his powerful attack leaving even Gigantomachia dumbstruck. It also seems like Re-Destro has come to realize that the League of Villains leader is not a weakling and in a league of his own which made him bow to Tomura and give him The Meta Liberation Army to command. Gigantomachia also understood that Tomura is the deserving successor.  It’s not too surprising to see what Tamaru first did using his new army keeping the concept of money in his mind as he knows the fact that Re-Destro has control over number of CEOs. That’s how chapter 239 ended which was satisfactory but the overall chapter was bit disappointing.

My Hero Academia Chapter 239 Review

The only good thing about chapter 239 is that we finally get to the see the winner of the battle. Tomura’s new forces, most probably including Gigantomachia has made him even more powerful which made us all anticipate for the next chapter in which he might build an army of his own against heroes.

The climax of the latest chapter and the end result of the battle may lead to some thrilling battles in the upcoming chapters but the entire chapter did not live up to our expectation as we had hoped something bigger like fight between three powerhouses but unfortunately we did not get to see it.

Nonetheless, now that the giant battle has ended, the series will get back to our heroes. However, after two weeks break we only got 15 pages climax to this epic arc which was unsatisfyingly short and summed up quickly.


Why You Should Read Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) Chapter 239

1. A New Leader Is Born

Folks, if there was anything positive to say about chapter 239 of Boku no Hero Academia it’s that we have our winner, Tomura. With his new forces—including most likely Gigantomachia—Tomura has power unlike ever before. What will he do with this new found power though? Build up his army most likely and unleash an epic battle on the heroes…so much for the team up we thought might happen in Boku no Hero Academia.

Also Read:  My Hero Academia Episode 87


 Why You Should Skip Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) Chapter 239

1. No Big Battle!?

There’s a bittersweet end result to wrapping up this giant fight the way chapter 239 did. We really wished there was a fight between all three powerhouses, but alas…it didn’t happen. That makes this chapter feel a bit underwhelming which really threw us for a loop.

Final Thoughts

Chapter 239 of Boku no Hero Academia was—as we said above—okay. The battle has reached its end and we’re assuming now the series will return to see how the heroes are holding up. After the two week break, we might have expected too much for chapter 239, but equally, we expected more and didn’t get it. Instead we got a short 15-page finale to this arc and it kind of stung after some truly great moments. Do you agree that things wrapped up a bit too quickly in chapter 239 of Boku no Hero Academia? Let us know using the comments below! For even more Boku no Hero Academia chapter reviews—along with other manga series—keep stuck to our hive here at Honey’s Anime!

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