Movie Okko’s Inn is based on literature series for children which is written by Hiroko Reijo. The story revolves around an orphan girl Oriko Seki ‘Okko’, who was the lone survivor of a car accident in which he parents died. She was then starts living with grandmother, Mineko who owns a ryokan (Japanese Inn). She […]
One Piece Episode 902
One piece is moving slowly while we are discovering the universe of Wano and we are able to witness the sumo wrestling which is going to happen in Wano. Well we have been introduced to the yokozuna of Wano “Urashima”, now he is going to come in his full action because he has to protect […]
Yuri Life GN
These stories are Flash fiction and in these stories we can see that how different pairs had to deal with problems by living together. There are couples who have recently moved together or lovers who had to face an envious pet dog and many more various short stories are there in this book. In literature […]
Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) Chapter 15: Review
After going through so much Emma and Ray could not stop Norman in executing his plan of having all demons kill each other. The look on Norman’s face depicts the fact that had anticipated. Chapter 153 of Yakusoku no Neverland shows Emma and Ray trying to get to their friends to tell them the reason […]
Maou-sama, Retry! Episode 12: Synopsis
Maou-sama, Retry! (Demon Lord, Retry!) will be airing it’s last episode on 19 September 2019. 00:00 (JST). Kunai will be trying for his people the last time this season. Here’s a synopsis for the upcoming episode. White goes to hot spring in Rabi Village on Luna’s recommendation. However. She accidentally goes onto men’s bath. White […]
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Years ago the makers of Danganronpa was struggling with a problem that how they can built story from oddity characters who always wrestle and discuss about murder. But they were able to put up a complete franchise but we cannot say the same about Demon Slayer. This series is not able to cope up even […]
Cop Craft: Review
Cop Craft is the adaptation of a popular visual novel series by Gatou Shoji (Author of Full Metal Panic). Cop Craft is a buddy cop series but what makes it unique is that it is combined with fantasy. There many buddy cop TV shows and movies that you may have watched like Bad Boys, Starskey […]
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Season 2 Episode 8 Review
In the eighth episode of DanMachi, Bell and Mikako has been kidnapped by Aisha and the Amazon crew in order to fulfill Ishtar’s motive but Bill is captured by Phryne and took him to her private BDSM room. Before this situation could get even more frightening, he was saved by Haruhime who helped him escape. […]
5 Most Emotional Scene of Karakuri Circus (Le Cirque de Karakuri)
Karakuri Circus has been a roller circus ride of human emotions since the beginning. The first episode gave us reason to laugh when we were introduced to Narumi and the Zonapha Virus. That laugh turned into other human emotions when we met Shirogane and the Midnight Circus. We cried, horrified and laughed on many scenes […]
Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy – Episode 1: Review
The concept of Chuunibyou became quite familiar after reading Umineko no Naku Koro ni and then with the airing of Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shita which was extremely amusing. This cute boy theme is hilarious and exciting in its own way. For those who don’t know much about Chuunibyou, here’s a brief explanation about it. […]