Anime Movie Kimi wa Kanata Teaser Discloses November 27 Starting Date
Anime News

Anime Movie Kimi wa Kanata Teaser Discloses November 27 Starting Date

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Anime Movie Kimi wa Kanata Teaser Discloses November 27 Starting Date

On Wednesday a 30 second teaser trailer and a teaser banner visual was posted by the official website of the theatrical anime movie Kimi wa Kanata by TOHO for the movie. The video which has been narrated by Honoka Matsumoto discloses the November 27 starting date of the movie.

The teaser banner visual shows the two primary leads of the movie remaining before the abandoned East Exit of Tokyo’s Ikebukuro Station, which is one of the settings of the movie. The slogan on the banner peruses, Why can’t I remember…

The movie is going to star Honoka Matsumoto for the character of Mio and Toshiki Seto for the character of Shin.

The young adult dream movie is set in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro area, and focuses on two beloved companions named Mio and Shin. Mio has affections for Shin, and consistently contemplates him, yet has always been unable to reveal to him how she feels. At some point, they get into a contention over something inconsequential, and at some point a short time later, Mio chooses to make up with him. As she heads to Shin while being doused by the downpour, she gets into an auto collision. When Mio recovers cognizance, she winds up in another and new world.

Anime Movie Kimi wa Kanata Teaser Discloses November 27 Starting Date

The movie is being directed by Yoshinobu Sena, he is also writing the scripts of the movie and for the original concept he is also ascribed. This theatrical anime movie marks the directorial debut of Sena. The animation is being produced by Digital Network Animation. For planning and developing the project CUCURI is ascribed. The movie is going to be distributed by Rabbit House and Elephant House and the original novel is going to be issue by Kadokawa.


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